
Goodbye, ATPM

ATPM Mac Cover Collage

After 17 years and over 200 issues, the online Mac e-zine About This Particular Macintosh has reached the end of its run. In the last issue, I look back at the computers I owned and worked on during the time I wrote for ATPM in an article appropriately titled About My Particular Macintoshes:

1999: the last year of the last century—or not, depending on where you start counting—was the year I bought my first Mac and wrote my first Segments piece for ATPM. Apple was still in transition in 1999. Steve Jobs had returned to the fold a mere three years earlier, and the iMac had put Apple back in the forefront of personal computing for the first time in a decade. The nadir of Apple had passed, and the once-beleaguered company was on its way back to financial success and cultural dominance. This path has been chronicled in many publications including this one, and now as the run of ATPM draws to a close, I offer my own look back: at three great computers and at one great publication.

Read the rest, plus many other great closeout columns and articles from current and former contributors in the farewell issue of About This Particular Macintosh.

P.S. A successor site is in the works. Stay tuned . . .

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